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Lidar & PX4flow doesn't work

Hello after loading ardupilot on the ocpoc zynq mini, i can not get the data from Px4flow on APMplanner as shown on the ardupilot wiki then by adding the lidar, I get to see the pX4flow data on APMplanner's Inspector Mavlink which is displayed for 1 second then it goes back to zero (opt_m_x & opt_m_y data, do not display continuously over time, sometimes one of them go to zero, sometimes both, every second, and if I connect directly to the OcPoc via the cable i2c (6 pins), in a terminal I see the lidar data that appears (Lidar_distance) but still after a moment of operation (30 seconds ~ 40 seconds) the Lidar disconnects and displays a message that I add to the code here ----------------------------------------------------- ----AP_RangeFinder_PulsedLightLRF.cpp ----------------------------------------------------- case PHASE_COLLECT: { be16_t val; // read the high and low byte distance registers if (_dev->read_registers(LL40LS_DISTHIGH_REG | LL40LS_AUTO_INCREMENT, (uint8_t*)&val, sizeof(val))) { uint16_t _distance_cm = be16toh(val); // remove momentary spikes if (abs(_distance_cm - last_distance_cm) < 100) { state.distance_cm = _distance_cm; update_status(); } last_distance_cm = _distance_cm; hal.console->printf("Lidar_distance =%d , check_reg_counter = %d \n",last_distance_cm, check_reg_counter); } else { //set_status(RangeFinder::RangeFinder_NoData); hal.console->printf("Lidar...... RangeFinder_NoData \n"); } hard : OcPoc zynq mini soft: ardupilot 3.6-dev sensors: Px4flow & Lidar lite V3 I do not know if if because of the insufficient power supply (two sensors are connected to the OcPoc) and the OcPoc is powered via USB thanks for any help


anyone know how to use on ardupilot ( MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR _get_mav_distance_sensor_type() const override { return MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_ULTRASOUND; I get all time an error.

μLanding Lite C1 Wavelength

Hi, Just to keep my project's documentation complete, I would like to know what wavelength does the μLanding use. I couldn't find the information and I'm sorry if it's there somewhere. Thanks in advance for the availability Att.

I2C port

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Ardupilot command line on OcPoC

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Where can i get PL logic codes such as PWM, CSI etc. ? Thanks a lot!

We want to add some own logic functions in PL. Where can i get your PL logic codes such as PWM, CSI etc. (or overall PL project that can be opened by ISE or Vivado)? Thanks a lot!

wow gold

Dear immortals, I need some inspiration to create <>

MATLAB and Simulink

Hello, I might have missed it although I felt like I looked almost everywhere, are there any models out there that we can get for the Zynq mini? "The OcPoC platform will be seamlessly integrated with MATLAB and Simulink to allow the researchers implement flight control algorithms without knowing all the hardware details.” Thanks