CAN bus Data Format

μLanding™ also has a version of CAN Bus data format, with update rate of 95Hz. For options about CAN bus protocol, please contact Aerotenna.

Communication Protocol

The communication protocol is:

  • Extended Data Frame Format
  • Baud rate is 250 Kb/s
  • Data Field length is 8 Bytes.
  • CAN ID frame is 0x00090002.

Connection Interface

In the CAN Bus data format, the GREEN port is CAN_H pin and the WHITE port is the CAN_L pin. The RED and BLACK port keep the same, as 5V DC power supply and Ground, respectively.


user interface on μLanding™ for CAN Bus

Data Format

This section introduce the data format in data field of CAN. The data field consists of 8 Bytes (64 bits).
Note that an 'x' refers to a variable bit containing dynamic data.

Bytes No.bits detailsDescription
10bxxxxxxxxAltitude (Most Significant 8 bits)
20bxxxxxxxxAltitude (Least Significant 8 bits)
30bxxxxxxxxSNR (Most Significant 8 bits)
40bxxxxxxxxSNR (Least Significant 8 bits)
5-80b00000000N/A (Reserved)



The altitude bytes can be combined (total 16 bits) to represent the altitude information in centimeters. The structure would be: 0x[MSB][LSB], where MSB and LSB are each two hexadecminal numbers (8 bits).

Altitude data will be '0' (Byte 1 and Byte 2 are both 0) if it is not valid.


The definition of SNR is this case is '10*log10(Power of Signal/Power of Noise Floor)', and its range is from 0 dB to 60 dB. The altitude reading will be associated with SNR to indicate the quality of the reflections.